Swiss media and graphic interaction designer

Born in 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland, Jamy Herrmann draws his inspiration from the many travels of his childhood. Having lived in Singapore for two years at the age of 8, he has since developed a strong curiosity through observation. Taken under competition at the CFP Arts of Geneva in 2014. He has since graduated from the Bachelor in visual communication (option Media & Interaction Design) at ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne) with the mention "Excellent" (2022).
He is now working for the Visual Communication department and the Center of Technology at ECAL. He is particularly interested in new technologies and particularly in the junction between image with interaction and the social implications of it.

Living Room is a collection of three “add-on” augmented objects that bring your home to life. It is based on digital interactions and surrounds you with movement, notification from your phone becomes presence and life arround you.

It econnects you with your physical world and gives a sense of presence to your digital life with a simple and sensitive approach.

1. The light gently oscillates when you receive a reminder notification.

2. The clock rotates 360° during an event programmed on your phone.

3. The curtain flutters in the wind when you receive a message, as if a person had walked past you.